Become a Transfiguration Angel
Dear Faithful and Friends of Transfiguration,
Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!
We are a blessed community. We are for the most part, a parish the desires to look beyond our four walls. Worship is important to us and putting into action what we experience through the worship has become an essential element to our outreach.
During the past weeks, as we have been living in our new normal, I have struggled with finding ways to balance online worship and community outreach; putting our faith into action. With shelter in place and social distancing finding ways to help others becomes more difficult. There are many organizations and charities that are in place to help those who are in need of food and living necessities. The essential question emerges: how can we help?
Praying by one’s self is good and beneficial for one’s soul. Praying with others amplifies our voice and lifts our hearts – the same with offering outreach into the community. Our gift is uplifting for our souls, but doing so with others, in a communal way, can instill within us an intense sense of gratitude that amplifies our gifts.
For this reason, the Transfiguration Family is beginning a journey to enrich our lives by sharing with others – together. I have struggled with how to help others during this unique time and provide a meaningful impact. Join me and together we can become a ‘band of angels’ who, through small acts of kindness within our community, can help others as they face times of need.
Become a ‘Transfiguration Angel’ and together we can change lives.
The concept is really quite simple. For 10 weeks, on Sunday evening, the band of Transfiguration Angels will join together and, throughout that week, make a donation to a different local organization or charity together. I will send out an email with a target charity and each one of us will make a donation to that particular charity. Sometimes we will have to send in checks and other times we may be able to donate online directly to the charity or organization. The amount of the donation is not the target, but increasing the number of individuals and families who participate each week and our consistency in giving. Working together we will be able to make an impact on others lives and at the same time open our hearts to the love of our Resurrected Lord.
With each donation, I encourage you to include a simple note.
“I(We) am(are) from the Transfiguration Church in Lowell. Please accept this donation and (my)our prayers for good health and continued good works.”
Just imagine getting this same note from 10, 20, 30 or 50 different donations! How much brighter will their day or week become.
Additionally, I ask that you send me an email ( telling me that you sent a donation – not the amount, only that you participated.
Remember, we will be making donations each week, so plan your giving accordingly. A donation of $5, $10, $25 or more, together with the donations of all the other Transfiguration Angels, will certainly have a positive impact on the lives of so many, many more.
Join me in helping others. Join me in sharing a grateful heart for all of our Lord’s blessings we have as individuals, as families, and as the Transfiguration Family.
Sharing the love of Christ Resurrected, I remain,
In His service,
Rev. Thomas Chininis
Two Important Suggestions:
1) Please share this exciting opportunity to become a Transfiguration Angel with your family and friends who are not on the Transfiguration Email Contact List. I am certain many will want to participate.
2) This is a great time to share the joy of giving and helping others with your family. Each week, make it a part of family time. Talk about the blessings of giving. Talk about the particular ministry, organization, or charity of the week. Remind them that by participating in this ministry, they are helping God, just as the angels help God. Have them help with the note, address the envelope and mail the donation. Importantly, offer a simple prayer as a family asking for God’s blessings upon those in need, invite your children to participate in the prayer.